Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Burger Pizza Bites

Today was a long day with school and doing errands, I wanted something that I could make for the girls that was quick and still left me with time to spend with them. I remembered that I found a recipe for quinoa pizza bites by Morgan Berg, who has a blog of her own. For that recipe visit her site here. I took the recipe and changed it to make it fit to my family. As much as I love quinoa, my girls are not huge fana, I also did not have enough for the recipe. I decided to make TVP pizza bites. For those that don't know what that stands for, its Textured Vegetable Protein. It is used in a lot of vegetarian meat products. I buy it in bulk because it is gluten free and great for putting in chili. I also used onion powder as onion baked does not get completely soft unless I saute it before putting it into a recipe. I guess I could have grated it, maybe I will try that next time. The other option I would have done differently was put the bites in paper cupcake liners. This would prevent me from having to wash the cupcake pan and prevent it from possibly sticking. Well, I hope you all enjoy this recipe. The girls ate all of the bites. A true winner in my opinion. 

Kid approved!

Burger Pizza Bites


1 c. hydrated TVP 
2 large egg
1/2 t. onion powder
1 c. Veggie Mexican Blend Vegan Cheese
1 t. minced garlic
1 T. dried basil
1 t. dried oregano
1/2 t. salt


1. Hydrate TVP (7/8 cups of boiling water to 1 cup dehydrated TVP). Let sit 5 minutes.

2. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine all of your ingredients in a mixing bowl until it is well mixed.

3. Lightly spray the bottom of a mini-muffin tin with olive oil spray or place paper liners in muffin tin. Using a Tablespoon scoop into each muffin tin. I did heaping tablespoon in each one.

4. Bake them for 20 minutes and let cool.

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