Monday, September 2, 2013

Cashew Roast

There are so many great recipes that I have gotten from my family. I had to go back and see if I can start changing them into gluten free and vegan for myself and girls. Yes, that does mean my poor husband will have to endure the change until I have it down. The recipe I chose tonight was one from my mother-in-law, Beverly Colburn. She once made a cashew loaf and I enjoyed it so much I asked for the recipe. I have altered this recipe to make if fit for my family, so I guess this is my own recipe now but inspired by the one my mother-in-law shared with me. This too has been kid tested and approved. It is a small roast and it only fed my family of four. Double the recipe if you need too. Enjoy.

Cashew Roast


3/4 c. raw cashews, coarsely ground
1 c. rice milk
1 tsp. onion powder or finely grated medium onion.
1 c. corn chex cereal, lightly crushed (this is to replace breadcrumbs)
1 1/2 tsp. Italian seasoning
1Tbs. GF Soy sauce
1/4 tsp of celery salt
2 Tbs. dried parsley or 1/4 c. fresh.
1/2 c. GF rolled Oats (lightly ground in food processor)


Mix all ingredients
Pour into a bread pan

Bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes or until firm and lightly brown.

I chopped the loaf up for my girls to eat. 

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