Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Crock-pot Granola

This is a recipe that I received from Donna Lawnicki. I believe she found it on the internet, but I have altered it a little to meet my family's taste buds. I was quite surprised how this actually worked and how easy it was. The best part is that when I had to stir the granola, I didn't get it all over the place. When I would make it in a pan, I would have a mess all over the place. I love limiting messes, especially when I have two little ones to pick up after. This recipe is also great for visitors as well.

1 Crock-pot
2 c. Barley Flakes
3 c. Oats
1/2 c. Sunflower seeds
1/2 c. Apricots- dried
3/4 c. Craisins (I added more craisins than normal, since I like them.)
1/2 c. Walnuts- coarsely chopped
1/2 c. Honey
1/2 c. Unsalted Butter


1) Put all dried ingredients into crock-pot (including fruit and nuts).

Notes: If you want a trail mix type of granola, you need to add more honey and butter so that it will clump. I have not tried it like that so I am not sure how much more honey to add. 

5) Remove granola onto cookie sheet or parchment paper to cool. Once cooled package into ziplock bags and freeze, or you can choose to eat it. 

Serve as a cereal or on top of some yogurt.

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