Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Welcome to Cooking with Sugar and Spice

I welcome everyone to my new cooking blog "Cooking with Sugar and Spice." Here is where I will be sharing with you family recipes, recipes that I find out of a cookbook and experiences that I may have with my twin girls and food.

The purpose of this blog is to help me achieve a higher level of cooking for my family and gather ideas, suggestions, and critiquing. Please be kind with your words on this blog as it is a family blog. I don't mind hearing feedback from each of you. That is what will make me a better cook.

A little about me: I am a mother of 18 month old identical twin girls. They keep me very busy, but I have always felt blessed and honored to be the Mama of my girls. I started learning to cook when I was a young teen. I loved being able to follow a recipe and the end result being so tasty and fun. Now, this was not always the case. I have burnt many meals, forgot ingredients, and made terrible things, but I am on the path to learning more about cooking and baking. My goal is to achieve a variety of dinners for my family that are enjoyable and healthy.

All of the recipes I will be sharing will be vegetarian as that is what my family eats. Some will be vegan, some will be gluten free, and some will be lactose free, but none of them will contain meat. If you wish, you may take any of the recipes I make and adapt them to meet your family's needs.

I plan to use different forms of media in my blogging. Some will be pictures, some will be videos, and others will be plain text.

I hope that you will enjoy this blog and I will do my very best to keep you updated on new and old recipes that I make. I look forward to sharing my cooking journey with you.

- Jennifer Colburn

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